Orthodox Family www.Nioras.com Online Christian Art Store. Greek Orthodox Incense, Holy Icons, Church Supplies

Panagiotis Nioras is a Greek manufacturing and distributing company, with over three generations of experience and an international approach to producing and selling Greek Orthodox Articles and Folk Art.

Our aim is to promote our Greek Orthodox Tradition as well the Greek Culture through the handmade products we supply. We try to promote the traditional and very old techniques of our ancestors while bringing the best quality results to our clients.

Every single piece in our store is produced or assembled by hand, by fine craftsmen we employ in our workshops in order to bring a life time quality warranty to our products.

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Taking into consideration the barriers of personal human communication we try to fulfill individual customer needs and wishes at the best possible level. We know that we must first think of the customer if we want the customer to think of us.

Sas Efharisto,

Thank you it is a great honour to serve you.

Panagiotis V.Nioras

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