
Saint Stephen Silver Holy Icon

Saint Stephen Silver Holy Icon
Silver icon 950 degrees proof.
The images are hand painted.
Metal Size : 16cm x 22cm
The icon has been specially coated and treated not to change during time .

Commemorates on:December 27
Saint Stephen was a Jew, by race, and, as some say, a disciple of Gamaliel.He was the first of the seven deacons whom the Apostles established in Jerusalem to Care for the poor, and to distribute alms to them. Being a man hill of faith and of the Holy Spirit, he performed great signs and wonders among the people. While disputing with the Jews concerning Jesus, and wisely refuting their every contradiction, so that no one was able to withstand the wisdom and the spirit whereby he spake, he was slandered as a blasphemer and was dragged off to the Sanhedrin of the elders. There with boldness be proved from the divine Scriptures the coming of the Just One (Jesus), of Whom they had become the betrayers and murderers, and he reproved their faithless and hardheartedness. And finally, gazing into Heaven and beholding the divine glory, he said: "Lo, I see the Heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God." But when they heard this, they stopped up their ears, and with anger cast him out of the city and stoned him, while he was calling out and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then, imitating the long-suffering of the Master, he bent his knees and prayed in a loud voice for them that were stoning him, and he said, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge," And saying this, he fell asleep, thus becoming the first among the Martyrs of the Church of Christ

Available Options:

Feature Weight Price
Silver 9501.2 kg$116.94USD
Silver with Gold Plated finish1.2 kg$132.69USD

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