From the Life and Teaching of Father Epiphanios
Publisher: Orthodox Kipseli
CoverType: Softbound
Pages: 224p
Size: 14x21cm
Summary:Our Elder, the Archimandrite Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos, wrote a brief, brilliant course in the firmament of the Orthodox Church and henceforth rests near Him Whom he loved so much during his whole life.
The providence and love of God, along with His many other benefactions, granted us many years ago to come to know and become spiritually associated with the blessed Elder as was also a great multitude of brethren in Christ, clerics, monastics, and lay people.
This bond was definitive in the spiritual course of us all. The influence which he exerted on our life in Christ was immense. And it is absolutely certain that this influence will follow our steps till our grave. He was, to repeat the beautiful expression with which Saint Gregory the Theologian characterizes the holy and great Basil, « both a professor of life and a teacher of dogmas .»
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