Iconographer: Holy Monastery Dormition of Theotokos, Parnitha Cemmemorates on: October 5 Saint Charitine contested for Christ during the reign of Diocletian, in the year 290. The handmaid of a certain Claudius, she was betrayed as a Christian to Dometian, the Count, before whom she fearlessly confessed Christ. After suffering the most terrible tortures, including the uprooting of her teeth and nails, she gave up her soul into the hands of the Lord.
Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος
Iconographer: Michael FatherCommemorates on: January 24Our righteous Mother Xene of Rome was of a distinguished family. While her parents were preparing to wed her, she stole away secretly, taking two handmaids with her, and departed for Mylasa of Karia in Asia Minor, and there she completed her life in Asceticism. She was ordained deaconess by Paul, her spiritual father, who became Bishop of Mylasa. Although she was originally named Eusebia, to conceal her identity, she took the name Xene – which means “stranger” in Greek – because of her estrangement from her country.
Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος
Iconographer: Kantarelis Vas.Commemorates on: July 24Saint Christina was from Tyre in Syria, the daughter of a pagan named Urban. Enlightened in her heart to believe in Christ, she broke her fathers idols, made of gold and silver, and distributed the pieces to the poor. When her father learned this, he punished her ruthlessly, then cast her into prison. The rulers subjected her to imprisonments, hunger, torments, the cutting off of her breasts and tongue, and finally impalement, in the year 200, during the reign of the Emperor Septimius Severus.
Αυτό το προϊόν έχει πολλαπλές παραλλαγές. Οι επιλογές μπορούν να επιλεγούν στη σελίδα του προϊόντος