Tabernacle Ecclesiastical Style for Holy Table, handmade with the figure of Christ in the top.
The Holy Altar has multiple symbolic meanings. First, it represents the Throne of God because through the sacraments celebrated upon this altar God’s saving and sanctifying grace is bestowed upon all people.
It is also Golgotha, the place where Jesus was crucified, because it is upon this altar that we re-enact the Passion of our Lord and Savior , and finally the Tomb of Christ because it is through Christ’s death that eternal life was granted to all people. This final representation is highlighted
Αρτοφορίο Εκκλησιαστικό για Αγία Τράπεζα χειροποίητο με τη μορφή του Χριστού στην κορυφή με κόκκινη πέτρα γύρω από την εικόνα.
Μέγεθος : 18x18x46cm